Business integrity toolkit for young entrepreneurs
The Asia-Pacific region continues to be the most dynamic of the global economy
with sustained economic growth, investment and trade. This represents a
tremendous opportunity to improve the lives of billions of people and the
creation of jobs and opportunities for young people.
However, in a recent World Economic Forum survey, poor governance and
corruption are still perceived by Millennials (74 percent) as the main obstacle
holding their countries back and depriving their generation of social, political
and economic opportunities (73 percent).
Bribery and facilitation payments are a common practice in most of the Asia-
Pacific countries. In a survey by Transparency International, 1 out of 4 people
in the region acknowledged having paid a bribe in the previous 12 months to
gain access to key public services. In some countries, such as India, Pakistan,
Thailand and Viet Nam, the reported incidence of bribery is dramatically high
with rates above 40 percent.
Corruption also hinders entrepreneurship and innovation in society. The higher
cost of doing business and reputational, legal and operational risks discourage
entrepreneurs and keep investors at bay. In the ASEAN region, according to
the World Economic Forum survey, 79 percent of business leaders recognized
corruption as a major challenge for their business operations.
We invite you, the young people of ASEAN countries – with your entrepreneurial
skills and fresh ideas – to help change this. Use this Toolkit to raise the impact
of your business in this market. Spread the word – to your employees, business
networks and supply chains. Say “no” to public officials soliciting a bribe – in
fact, don’t even let yourself get into that situation.
By your own example, spread the knowledge and experience that it is possible to
do business with integrity.
![Business integrity toolkit for young entrepreneurs](/resource/mongolchamber/image/2021/09/25/mt3h4hn9t5otbj0g/UNDP-RBAP-Business-Integrity-Toolkit-for-Young-Entrepreneurs-2020.jpg)