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Speaking up locally, driving change globally /True stories of tackling corruption to build a sustainable future/

Боловсруулж, эмхэтгэсэн: Transparency International

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  • Equipping people to fight corruption
    Our experts provide free, confidential advice and
    legal assistance to equip people with the knowledge
    and tools to tackle corruption. We help them navigate
    complex reporting channels, access public information,
    submit official complaints, gain media support and take
    cases to court.
    Since 2003, ALAC lawyers, researchers, activists and
    volunteers have provided support to more than
    270,000 people. Their successes have fuelled the
    network’s expansion from Europe to Africa, Asia and
    the Pacific, Central Asia, Latin America and the Middle
    East – showing that reporting corruption is one of the
    most effective ways for people to assert their rights and
    demand accountability from those in power.
    By helping people safely find a way to speak up, ALACs
    make a long-term difference in the way societies work,
    building intolerance for corrupt acts and making it
    easier for others to come forward. In Ghana, after
    complaints of bribery and extortion at the hospital
    where Shakina died, an ALAC investigation prompted
    a national debate and official enquiries, deterring
    medical staff across the country from demanding

Speaking up locally, driving change globally /True stories of tackling corruption to build a sustainable future/
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