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State-owned enterprise health check

Боловсруулж, эмхэтгэсэн: Transparency International

Хэрэглэгчээр заавал нэвтэрч уншина уу

  • The State-Owned Enterprise Healthcheck1 (SOE Healthcheck) is a self-assessment tool designed
    by Transparency International to assist state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to appraise and improve
    their anti-corruption policies and procedures using the framework of Transparency International’s 10
    Anti-Corruption Principles for State-Owned Enterprises (SOE Principles). Transparency International
    encourages SOEs to report publicly on their anti-corruption policies and procedures, and the results
    of their implementation. The SOE Healthcheck can also be used by practitioners and stakeholders
    to assist them in their engagement with and assessment of SOEs related to their integrity cultures
    and anti-corruption programmes. Users of the SOE Healthcheck should note that completion of the
    tool should not be taken as endorsement by Transparency International of the design or
    effectiveness of the user’s anti-corruption programme and must not be promoted as such.

State-owned enterprise health check
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